So that is how I came to get it in the weirdest way possible. But he said I didn't have to drive an hour to get it off him, just to go back to my local Guitar Center and get the x3 number from Sonar on my receipt and download it online. So I started calling around to other Guitar Centers and found a box.
I came back and it wasnt there and they dude said he had no idea when it was coming in. So when I went to the Guitar center to get x3 they said it would be in in a week or two. When I wanted to purchase x3 online I only had only the option of "find a dealer" which was only the Guitar Center. This is where the term "Street Price" come in to play. Retailers become piz-ed at manufactures who under cut retail pricing. So then they can cut their profit margin a tad, and offer a better deal. Direct purchase from a manufacture is normally at full price. Retail store normally get wholesale pricing on all items. Cactus Music Seems it would be easier just to buy it directly from Cakewalk. Kind of weird a store would be selling a "ticket" for software.